InventHelp – Patent Information and Helpful Suggestions
InventHelp is well-known for being a straight-forward, honest innovation business. However, if you are searching for an inventive inventor service company to assist your innovative idea, be certain that you aren’t lured by the overly-sweet-talking claims of a fraudulent innovation firm. Trying to submit your new invention or brand-new product concept to commercialized distribution is typically a high-risk undertaking, but regrettably, there are some… less than honest… individuals who will take this lightly. The truth is that you have to know what you are getting into before you sign any contracts with inventorship companies.
InventHelp prides itself on providing quality consulting and assistance to its clients in the creation of their innovative ideas. InventHelp provides a large list of current and former patent attorneys, as well as patent attorneys that have significant experience in the creation of new inventions. We provide our clients with access to patent attorneys who are willing to take on your case without any additional fees. While we do not represent our clients ourselves, we are fully aware of InventHelp’s solid record of accomplishment and commitment to helping its customers achieve the protection and monetary rewards that are their due.
A second important fact that you need to know about InventHelp is that it offers a full range of invention services. This includes drafting patent specification and application, filing and evaluation of the invention, as well as filing all of the necessary legal forms to request patent protection. While we strive to keep our website up to date, our staff cannot guarantee that the inventorship process will occur in a timely or efficient manner. Further, we cannot guarantee the quick issuance of any patent. We emphasize that the legal process can take months and even years.
Now, we are going to take a brief look at how InventHelp actually helps the modern inventor. If you have an idea for a new invention, or if you simply want to know what is out there, but do not know where to start, do not worry, InventHelp can help you. We provide patent assistance through a network of knowledgeable individuals. If an individual sees an idea for a new invention and believes that it may be worthy of patent protection, he or she can contact us to learn more about filing for protection with the USPTO.
InventHelp also provides support services to individuals or businesses filing a patent application. We counsel such individuals on patent drafting and filing, as well as advice on how to proceed. Such a service is not available from our office, and in fact, we encourage our clients to file their patents themselves. However, our support of this type of activity does not alter the fact that it is expensive and time consuming to file a patent. Additionally, in this case, we counsel inventors on what to avoid in order to reduce their patent filing costs. Inventhelp does not provide legal advice and is strictly limited to acting as a referral source for inventors and/or their attorneys.
Before we leave our readers with InventHelp’s basic information about patents, it is important to mention that it is not sufficient for a new inventor to merely file a US Patent application covering his or her new invention. In order to receive the benefits of protection from the patent office, an individual must demonstrate to the patent office why his or her invention is new and not obvious in view of what others have done previously. This is where InventHelp comes into play. If a client has received an acceptable patent from a third-party source, but believes his or her invention is not so unique, InventHelp can provide necessary counsel in order to make the patent application acceptable.